IGNOU has invited applications for the post of Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT) with a salary range of Rs. 19,900-63,200. The minimum qualification required for this post is 10+2 with a typing speed of 40 w.p.m. in English and 35 w.p.m. in Hindi on a computer. The age limit for eligible candidates is between 18 to 27 years, and age relaxation categories can be found in the official notification.
Interested candidates should apply online through the website before 20.04.2023. The selection process involves a computer-based test and a skill/typing test. The application fee is Rs. 1000 for all other candidates, while there is no application fee for 600 PWT candidates. Candidates should refer to the official notification for complete information about the job description and other details..
Age limit
Age limit should be between 18 to 27 years. Also check the official notification to know about the age relaxation categories
Rs. 19900- 63200
Applying Method
Eligible and interested candidates should apply online through by 20.04.2023.
Examination Procedure
Eligible candidates will be selected through computer based test and skill test / typing test.
Payment details
RESERVATION FOR CANDIDATES / GENERAL / O.P.C. Application Fee for All Other Candidates – Rs.1000 (ST / SC / Women) Application Fee Rs. No application fee for 600 PWT candidates
More details
10+2 With a Typing speed of 40 w.p.m. in English and 35 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer. And for complete information about the assignments, see the official notification given above. Eligible and interested candidates should apply online through by 20.04.2023